bone health

Why Caring for Your Bone Health Should Be a Priority

You might not think about your bones often, but they’re actually one of the most essential parts of your body! Unfortunately, bone health deteriorates with age, so it’s essential to start taking care of your bones now. Here are the top reasons why you should care for your bone health: To prevent Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a…

after 40

How To Lose Weight For Women After 40

Losing weight at 20 is FAR different from losing weight after 40, so let’s look at how to drop weight for ladies over 40 in 7 easy steps! Women’s metabolic rate, the rate at which calories are burned while resting, drops by about 5% every ten years the age of 35. This means by 65;…


How Hormones Affect Weight Loss & How To Make Them Work For You Instead Of Against You

Discover how hormones affect weight management and find out if they are the reason that you find yourself stuck at a certain weight, seemingly unable to lose any more fat no matter what you do. You’re working on dropping that last 10 pounds, but your body appears to have hit a plateau. No amount of…


Why Japanese Women Are Almost Always In Good Shape

The average ordinary lifespan for Japanese women is 87, compared to 81 for American women and 75 for Filipino women. Japanese women live longer than most other people by nearly a decade. On occasion, they look as if they are resistant to aging, with many Japanese women in their 40s looking near identical to how…


The Healing Power of Laughter: Why You Should Be Laughing More

You can usually tell how your day was based on just how much you laughed. A deep stomach-aching, cheeks-hurting, can not-breathe-and-tears-streaming-down-your-face laugh is just one of the very best sensations on the planet and helps boost not only your mood but also improve your health! In terms of the release of endorphins, laughter has comparable…

Menopausal Weight Gain

Top Causes Of Menopausal Weight Gain And How You Can Overcome It

Menopause begins with the end of a woman’s menstrual cycles. It usually happens when a woman is over the age of 45, and is defined as a beginning when a woman has gone a full twelve months (one year) without a menstrual period. The symptoms of menopause are well known: hot flashes, brain fog, headache,…