intuitive eating

What Is An ‘Intuitive Diet’ (and how to know if Intuitive Eating is right for you)

I eat when I am hungry, and I don’t eat when I am full. Eating methods that follow the body’s appetite signals, so-called “intuitive meals,”are emerging as the next-generation diet.

How can this meal be on a diet that eats everything the body wants? It starts with the reverse idea of human craving for diet. Limiting food and suppressing cravings are the biggest reasons for failing diet.

Because intuitive eating is faithful to appetite instincts, it is a safe alternative to avoiding diet failures caused by suppression. It manages the body with a natural way of eating food according to the body’s needs, not a diet that deceives and tolerates the instinct to eat.

The important thing is to get rid of the obsession with weight loss. Then you may face the question of what diet this becomes.

Intuitive Eating Has a Positive Effect on Body Weight Management

The intuitive diet certainly does work. A 2013 Australian study found that an intuitive diet not only lowers BMI, not only helps maintain weight, but also helps maintain a healthier mental state in terms of eating habits. In addition, risk factors such as anorexia and bulimia have disappeared, and positive effects have been reported on diet as they have escaped from diet obsession.

Intuitive eating is not a new diet concept. In 1995, two nutrition experts, Evelyn Trivoli and Elise Lesch, first presented the concept in their book, Intuitive Eating.

Intuitive eating defies traditional diet methods and focus on building a healthy body image.

Rather than classifying food as “good”or “bad,” he listens to the voice sent by the body to detect signs of hunger and eat the food he wants without guilt. Intuitive eaters should enjoy their meals while respecting signs of hunger and recognizing satiety.

Ten Key Principles of Intuitive Eating

Ideally, it’s a natural process, but it’s never easy for someone who has been dieting for a long time. People who have dieted in a way that limits food for many years, who have been obsessed with healthy, so-called clean foods, and who have consumed food as a means of avoiding negative emotions may have difficulty practicing intuitive eating. However, this diet is good in that it is long-lasting.

Of course, there are principles to follow to ensure you are succesful with intuitive style dieting.

Medical News Today, a UK online health information news portal, outlined 10 key principles for people who try intuitive eating.

1. Get Out of the Diet Mindset

A person with a vain belief that losing weight will be healthy, happy and successful constantly classifies food as good and bad, healthy and harmful. It does not consider signs of hunger sent by the body or what food the body wants. Intuitive meals are meals that take into account all these factors.

2. Respect Hunger

Restricting eating can lead to an urge to overeat. People who eat intuitive meals consume nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fat evenly and consume enough calories to feel full. The aim of this principle is to learn to recognize the signals of hunger and satiety.

3. Reconcile With Food

Food is not an enemy. It should not be restricted unless it is food that causes allergies or intolerance. If you think you can eat anything, you can avoid an uncontrollable craving for food or a desire to overeat.

4. Challenge the Food Police

Food Police refers to judging food by moral standards. In other words, I think healthy food is good and unhealthy food is bad. This belief is not true. Intuitive meals challenge this belief.

5. Discover Satisfaction Factors

Eating can be fun, and it should be fun. It can be fun to eat your favorite food in a pleasant environment. People feel more satisfied after a meal when a meal is a pleasant experience.

6. Let Yourself Feel Full

I have to respect both hunger and fullness. The principle of intuitive meal is to check for yourself during and after meals. I focus on the taste, feeling, and how hungry I am now. This helps you recognize when you feel satisfied.

7. Treat Your Feelings With Kindness

Sometimes people eat as a means to avoid uncomfortable and negative feelings. This principle recommends finding a way to deal with emotions other than food.

8. Respect Your Body

People harshly criticize themselves for unrealistic expectations of how their bodies should look. Clinging to these expectations can make it difficult to get out of a diet mindset. A person who eats intuitive meals should try to acknowledge and respect his body.

9. Get Moving

Feel the difference Rather than focusing on how many calories you burn while exercising, you focus on how you feel when you exercise. You should use this feeling as a motivation to continue working out.

10. Respect Your Health With Proper Nutrition

What you eat consistently is important. You should choose food with respect to nutrition goals and food you want.

Additional Weight Loss Resources

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