smoothie diet

All About The Smoothie Diet

They taste great, contain vitamins and other beneficial substances and their preparation is easy. Smoothie drinks are just great in every way! Smoothie is a blended drink that you may also know under the name “fresh juice.” Fruit and vegetables are mainly used for preparation. The name comes from the English word “smooth,” which means subtle. It originated sometime in…


Why Japanese Women Are Almost Always In Good Shape

The average ordinary lifespan for Japanese women is 87, compared to 81 for American women and 75 for Filipino women. Japanese women live longer than most other people by nearly a decade. On occasion, they look as if they are resistant to aging, with many Japanese women in their 40s looking near identical to how…

zero calorie foods

Knowing These 10 Zero Calorie Foods Will Make Losing Weight a Breeze

Do foods with absolutely ZERO calories exist? No, not really. But some foods are so low in calories that the amount of energy your body used just to eat and process them burns up as many or more calories than the food itself has – effectively making it as if the food has zero calories….